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Kinglake West, Victoria, Australia


The community of Kinglake West was on a waiting list to receive government financing for a new sewer system when, in 2009, a disastrous fire swept through the area. The damage was so extensive that funding for a wastewater collection system was expedited. The new system needed to be up and running as soon as possible, without being an undue financial burden to homeowners.


An Orenco® Effluent Sewer – the first in Australia – was installed. The sewer includes an Orenco STEP (Septic Tank Effluent Pump) package in an underground tank, which provides passive, primary treatment at each residence. Small-diameter force mains move the effluent from each home to the community’s treatment facility. Because an effluent sewer transports only liquids, its mainlines are typically just 50-100 mm (2-4 in.) in diameter and can be installed quickly and easily with light-duty equipment. This allowed the wastewater collection system to be completed in a relatively short period of time, despite the area’s hilly terrain.